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flush the goals Set commitments

Writer: Premier Living TeamPremier Living Team

Goals are made to be broken. Commitments are rooted deeper in the mind. #Mindset

At the beginning of every new year, all of us are habitually writing out our goals for what we want to achieve to make this it the best year ever.

Every year, we all start off strong implementing these goals: getting up earlier, hitting the gym, practicing self-discipline, improving your credit score to buy that new car or house.

And every year, just a few weeks into January, we slowly begin losing site of those goals and begin to lose motivation. And by February we're back to our old habits; cursing at our phones, as we scroll through social media, seeing everybody else achieving their goals, "how is everyone else able to stay on track, and I can't even refrain from eating a whole pint of ice cream?" you ask yourself.

Don't feel defeated, because you're not alone.

This is a viscous cycle, that we all suffer through year after year. But what if you didn't have to fall victim any longer? Whether it be personal or business, staying on track through the entire year could be as simple as using a different word all together.

Goals vs Commitments

Goal – “An idea of the future or desired within a finite time by setting deadlines.”

Commitment – “Promise or agreement to do something in the future”

We have set goals for as long as we can remember, and for as long as we can remember the word “goal” has always included the possibility that we may not succeed. And since many of us have come to pair the word "goal" with the possibility of failing, this year, substitute the word with "Commitment".

Studies show that the words we use actually impact our subconscious behavior.

So this year, commit to the "Commitment!"

This isn't just a change in verbiage, it's also a change in mindset.

Think about it. When was the last time you bailed on a commitment: hair appointment, doctors appointment, date night with a significant other, or that very important meeting that pays the bills???

What do these commitments all have in common? Accountability. You're accountable to someone else's time and money. Commitments keep us accountable to others, so why not deliver that same accountability towards your own commitments.

How to get started

  • Big Why: Pick your commitment(s) that you have strong feelings toward for change. Having an emotional tie to your "why" will be strongest motivator.

  • Write it Down: Write your commitments down on paper and tape it up somewhere you will see it everyday.

  • Start Small: Start with one or two the first month, until it starts becoming a habit.

  • Accountability: Buddy up with someone also trying achieve New Year Commitments .

  • Plan of Attack: include commitments, activities that get you there, and backup plans (e.g., ordering in less, saving money, stocking the freezer with frozen cheat meals) satisfying those taste buds and your wallet.

  • Habitual Nature: Focus your sight on creating habits--It take 21-66 days to form a habit.

  • Relish, Re-commit, Reward:

Find ways to relish in your commitments.

Over indulging over the weekend happens to the best of us; check in with your accountability buddy and Recommit.

Track your commitments and keep your eye on the prize. Maybe it's that something special you've had your eye on, or maybe realizing your progress is rewarding in itself. Whichever works for you, adaptation to these new norms is expected to take time. Just make sure you reward yourself.

You deserve it!


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